
Predicting Outcomes for Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Lately, there have been a number of articles published on research relating to anxiety caused by untreated carpal tunnel syndrome. It would be nice to be able to predict accurately how each person is going to react to the treatment, i.e., no pain vs. lots of pain, and how quickly…

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Small Joint Denervation

In years gone by, joint fusion- bonding bones together to eliminate painful motion- was the only way to treat advanced arthritis.  In the late 1960s, joint replacement as we know it today became a reasonable option.  Based on extensive anatomic research, denervation, or removal of nerves going to the responsible…

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Carpal Tunnel Release Outcome in Worker’s Compensation Patients

Jung, et al., in Hand 2018, Vol. 13, pages 137-142, published a meta-analysis (comparison of data in the literature) on private, i.e. non-work-related, and worker’s compensation-treated patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.  They found that worker’s compensation patients took almost five weeks longer to return to work and were 16% less…

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